BHA is an Alabama - based aviation solutions provider that offers a wide variety of tailored fixed and rotary wing aircraft services to Customers around the world. Our wide spectrum of capabilities from maintenance and engineering to training and flight operations – allow the company to design support programs to accommodating to any scope or budget.
BHA employees have the requisite experience with US Army maintenance practices to mitigate customer risk
BHA has the support equipment and reach to execute maintenance operations across multiple platforms worldwide.
Hub and spoke logistics cell and wire harness manufacturing facility supporting both DLA and commercial customers.
Current Prime Contracts
Prime Contract: W58RGZ-17-A-0002
Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) provides procurement and logistics support to the PIF
Prime Contract: GS-00F-316GA, SIN 871-6
Provide Acquisition and Lifecycle Management and Logistics support as required by the USG.
Prime Contract: W58RGZ-19-D-0008
MASPO WLSS-C IDIQ Small Business Prime.
Prime Contract: DLA (Multiple)
Manufacturer of Cables, Harnesses, and Switch Assemblies